Bonus Quick Start
Define your Talk Topic by
Creating Your Signature System:
This will become the foundation of your rockin, high-converting talk.

This video is a quick snippet from a free series we led to help coaches and consultants get started speaking.

When created properly and branded well, your system can become the bedrock your talk and your offer. In fact, it can be the very thing you are known for in your industry.

To uncover your system, consider the main thing you're know for (or want to be) in your industry.

Another way to get to the topic of your system is to ask yourself: How do I help people get results | live a better life?

I've worked with clients create who's core focus was: Online Marketing, Success Mindset, Low Carb Diet & Fitness, Leadership Consulting, Automative Business Consulting, Branding, Investing, etc.

Having a rockin system can add six or seven+ figures to your business.

📕 Example: the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a BILLION dollar system. There's a talk, a book (which later became a series of books), as well as a massive consulting business.

Much like that example, each step of your system should be a "big rock" or important pillar that people want & need to get up over the mountain.

The keys, steps, or pillars help clients move from the big problem to the big transformation on the other side.

If you have too few steps you might be staying too high level.

If you have too many steps you might be getting in the weeds. 

Most of the time you'll end up with 3-7 keys topics or concepts that are critical for people to know | do | be | understand.

💡We may not end up sharing every step in your talk, and that's okay. We share as many or as few steps as necessary depending on the opportunity (and time) that you have.

👏🏻 This will also keep your talk fresh, and let you mix it up a little without starting from scratch. Phew!

HINT: The good news is that when we share only a few of your core steps (and not all of them) is that it gives people a reason to come talk to you, or work with you, so that they can learn more!

But for today, don't worry about your talk just yet. Just have fun mapping out your signature system

Now to be clear you don't need a certain number of steps, what is important is that you identify the ones that are important to your clients, and important in helping them get the results they want most.

Be sure to focus on the big rocks that help people the most and get them most excited! 

You can draw a mountain on a blank page and start mapping out your steps like this image below. 👇🏻

Here's what the Rock Your Talk System looked
like when we first mapped it out. 👇🏻

Just get your ideas down.

Don't judge, just jot it all down. Don't worry about perfect wording either.

💡Once you feel like you've got your steps, then we can give each step a cool, branded title and we can craft your custom talk around your system.

Looking for another way to map your system?

You can also use post it notes or note cards to map your system.

Put only one step on each post it or note card. 

Move your steps around until you have the right steps in the right order. 

📌Helpful questions: 
Should any steps be combined?
Are any steps so big they really should be broken out?
Are there any critical, big steps missing?

BONUS STEP... for the big-time implementers!
Once you get clear on your steps you can start to brainstorm the steps within each step.

You can use this exact same exercise we just did to uncover your steps... to then map out the steps within each step.

Making a spreadsheet is a great way to go to keep your thoughts organized.

Now this is a step I help clients with when they hire me to create their custom talk, and I also teach this (and give you handouts and deep video training) in step two of the Rock Your Talk Course.

Outlining what you'd teach within each step, will become very important when we craft your talk.

1. Identify the main steps of your system

2. Get clear on what you'd teach inside that steps

3. Outline the top myths, mindset challenges, or other stumbling blocks people encounter when they are on each step. (HINT: Your training, service, workshop, SAAS etc should help people overcome these challenges).

4. Outline any "extras" you have or will create to support people as they advance through each step  (templates, scripts, checklists, exercises)

5. And lastly, consider if you have an example of what that step looks like in action (success story or case study) for each step. You might not have one for each step and that's fine. 

Notice you can just jot down short words or phrases. So this exercise can be done fairly quickly.

Feeling stuck mapping your system & creating your high converting talk or webinar?

Feel free to hop into the course if you'd like more in depth training or reach out to discuss private coaching & consulting.

Ready to create your own talk with the Rock Your Talk Program? The online course is a great way to get started!

If you're farther along or simply prefer to a more custom approach, you can connect with Kristin about additional support, consulting, or custom talk & workshop strategy.

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